Wow to find the MOBILITAS Language School?
South-Balaton in 8640 Fonyód, Mandulás utca 3.  

GPS: Latitude 46.744779 / Longitude 17.557121
West-Balaton in 8372 Keszthely-Cserszegtomaj, Fenyö utca

GPS: Latitude46.809499/ Longitude 17.243121



Coming from Keszthely on Hévizi út, drive in the direction of Cserszegtomaj, Rezi. After travelling 1,7 Km on this road, turn right on to the first paved road, it is Pajtika utca. Stay on this road for about 1 Km as far as the roundabout: Europa tér (Europa Square). Take the third exit and continue along Pajtika utca, past a football pitch, up the hill (about 1  Km) until you see a sign on the left-hand side of the road saying ‘Fenyö utca’. Take that road as far as house number 12.